Oracle 데이터베이스에서 AgensSQL을 사용하는 방법

SKAI Worldwide 2023. 11. 8. 09:54


How to use AgensSQL with Oracle databases

In this article, we will cover all the main items the users require for Agen’s Oracle compatibility. We will start with a basic overview of both products and then move forward with how to work these both together.


The new SQL variant AgensSQL is intended to be more expressive and compelling than conventional SQL. Based on the ANSI/ISO SQL standard, it also supports nested queries, user-defined functions, aggregates, window functions, and JSON data.


Talking about features of AgensSQL we have the following stand-out features:

  • Nested Queries: You can stack one query inside another using nesting questions. Complex queries may benefit from this. For instance, you may use a nested query to locate all the consumers who have purchased things that were also purchased by a customer in a particular state.
  • User-defined functions: These enable you to design your own functions to carry out particular tasks. Performance and customizability may both benefit from this. You could, for instance, develop a user-defined function to figure out the typical age of each client in a table.
  • Aggregates: Aggregates are functions that can be used to assemble data into a single statement. Analysis and reporting may benefit from this. For instance, you could compute the overall sales for a product in a particular month using an aggregate.
  • Windows Functions: Functions that can be used to do calculations over a sliding window of data are called window functions. For jobs like time series analysis and others, this can be helpful. By rotating the window over every week, you could, for instance, utilize a window function to determine the typical sales of a product in a given month.
  • JSON data: For storing and transmitting data, JSON data is a well-liked format. Applications that require the use of JSON data can benefit from AgensSQL's support for JSON data. AgensSQL, for instance, can be used to query a JSON file and retrieve the necessary data.


These are just a few standout features Agens provide proving it to be a real competitor in database development.


A little about Oracle Database is that it is a common option for business applications. They are renowned for their performance, security, and scalability. The relational model, a method of arranging data into tables, is the foundation upon which Oracle databases are built.


Using AgensSQL with Oracle By Connectors:

You can connect to Oracle databases and access their data using AgensSQL. You will want a connector for this. AgensSQL may connect to an Oracle database using a connector, which is a piece of software.


There are several various connectors that can be used, each with unique advantages and disadvantages. The AgensSQL Oracle Connector is one well-liked connector. Agens invented this connector, which is intended to be very effective and scalable. It provides a large number of features, like user-defined functions, aggregates, and nested searches.


The JDBC Oracle Connector is another well-liked connector. This connector was created by Oracle and is intended to work with many different Java applications. It provides a large number of features, like user-defined functions, aggregates, and nested searches.


Once you've selected a connector, you can connect to an Oracle database and access its data using that connection. After that, you may run queries on the data and produce reports and analyses using AgensSQL.


Some Code Snippets of AgensSQL:

First of all some background about PL/SQL, PL/SQL is a procedural language that is embedded in SQL. It allows you to write procedures, functions, and triggers that can be used to manipulate data in Oracle databases.

You will need to utilize a connector that supports PL/SQL in order to use PL/SQL with AgensSQL. As soon as you have a connector, you can use it to establish a connection to an Oracle database and begin PL/SQL programming.


Here is an illustration of a straightforward PL/SQL process you may use to add a record to a table:



  name VARCHAR2,


) AS


  INSERT INTO users (name, age) VALUES (name, age);



For running this command we use this code: 


EXECUTE insert_record('Agens', 30);


This would insert a record into the user's table with the name "Agens" and the age of 30.


For more information on PL/SQL, you can refer to the Oracle PL/SQL documentation.



A powerful combo that may be used to create a variety of applications is AgensSQL with Oracle databases. Scalability, performance, and security are just a few of the advantages that make AgensSQL a suitable option for commercial applications. A sizable developer community provides solid support for the Oracle databases, which are an established and dependable platform.










글 : Shoaib Murtaza (비트나인 북미 지사 AgeDB)